Sebaceous carcinoma


The following tests and techniques are used to identify sebaceous carcinoma:

  • Skin exam. To diagnose your issue, your doctor will thoroughly examine your skin.
  • Eye exam. If you have sebaceous carcinoma on your eyelid, it is advisable to consult an eye doctor, also known as an ophthalmologist. The ophthalmologist will perform a thorough examination of your eyelid and eye, including the tissue that covers the inside of your eyelid and the white of your eye, to look for any signs that cancer has spread to those areas.
  • Skin biopsy. Your doctor will take a small sample of tissue for analysis. If cancer cells are present, they can be found using specialized lab testing.


The primary treatment for sebaceous carcinoma typically involves the surgical removal of the cancerous tissue. However, in certain cases, alternative treatments may be considered as an option. The treatment choices may include:

  • Surgically removing cancer. Your doctor may recommend a procedure to remove the cancerous tissue along with some of the surrounding healthy tissue. An expert will examine the boundaries of the tissue to ensure that no cancer cells are present, which increases the likelihood of completely removing all cancer cells through surgery.
  • Mohs surgery. Mohs surgery is a specialized surgical technique that involves the removal of thin layers of skin containing cancer cells until only cancer-free tissue remains. After each layer of skin is removed, it is closely examined for any signs of cancer. This process continues until no cancer cells are detected. This technique can be particularly useful in areas where surgeons aim to preserve as much healthy skin as possible, such as the face and eyelids.
  • Radiation therapy. Radiation therapy employs potent energy beams, such as X-rays and protons, to eliminate cancer cells. It can be administered post-surgery to eradicate any residual cancer cells or as a standalone treatment if surgery is not feasible.