Sacral dimple


During a newborn’s initial examination, physical examinations are conducted to detect sacral dimples. If the indentation is prominent or accompanied by a tuft of hair, skin tag, lump, or certain skin discoloration, your doctor may recommend imaging tests to check for spinal cord problems.

These tests could consist of:

  • Ultrasound. Sound waves are used in this non-invasive process to create photographs of the body’s structures.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). If more information is required, your doctor might suggest an MRI, which produces cross-sectional images of the body using radio waves and a strong magnetic field. To keep the infant from moving during the scan with this procedure, medication used for sedation is necessary.


There is no need for treatment for a simple sacral dimple. If an individual with a sacral dimple experiences any symptoms of spinal cord problems, such as leg numbness, muscle weakness, or loss of bladder or bowel control, it is crucial to seek evaluation from a neurologist. Although rare, surgery may be recommended to correct an improperly closed spinal cord.