

The following tests and procedures are used for determining diagnosing oligodendroglioma:

  • Neurological examination: A neurological exam will ask you about signs and symptoms. The healthcare provider will examine your hearing, vision, balance, coordination, strength, and reflexes. Issues in one or more of these domains may provide indications regarding the region of the brain that might be impacted by a brain tumor.
  • Imaging tests: The location and size of a brain tumor can be detected with the assistance of imaging tests:
    • MRI: MRI is often used to diagnose brain tumors. The various structures within your head can be clearly seen on these scans. Their role is to assist in identifying the exact location and size of an oligodendroglioma. It can be applied to specialized forms of magnetic resonance imaging, like magnetic resonance spectroscopy and functional MRI.
    • CT Scan: These are frequently the initial imaging scans performed following a seizure or other focal symptoms. Because the bones contain calcium, they appear bright on CT and X-ray images. Oligodendrogliomas frequently contain calcium, which often results in them appearing bright on imaging scans.
  • Biopsy: A biopsy is a technique where a small amount of tumor tissue is taken out for examination. During tumor excision surgery, the sample is extracted whenever possible. A sample may be taken with a needle if surgery is not possible to remove the tumor. The circumstances and the tumor’s location will determine which approach is taken. The tissue sample is tested at a lab. The kinds of cells involved can be revealed by tests. Certain examinations can provide specific details about the tumor cells. For instance, a test might examine modifications to the DNA, the genetic material, of the tumor cells. The healthcare team can learn about your prognosis from the results. This information is used by your healthcare team to develop a treatment plan.


One of the most treatable brain tumors and cancers is oligodendroglioma. Treatment often involves a number of procedures, such as:

  • Surgical removal of tumor: Removing the oligodendroglioma as much as possible is the primary goal of the surgery. The goal of the brain surgeon, often known as a neurosurgeon, is to remove the tumor while preserving healthy brain tissue. A technique for achieving this is known as awake brain surgery. You are awakened from a sleep-like state during this kind of surgery. The surgeon can examine you and track your brain activity while you respond. It helps in highlighting the critical regions of the brain for the surgeon to avoid.

The type of oligodendroglioma, the degree of its progression, the location of the tumor, and other factors all have a significant impact on the surgical success rate. You may or may not require radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy, depending on the results of the surgery, the amount of tumor your surgeon is able to remove, the grade of the tumor, your age, and your overall health.

  • Chemotherapy: Strong medications are used in chemotherapy to kill tumor cells. Chemotherapy is frequently used for eliminating any remaining tumor cells following surgery. It can be used simultaneously with radiation therapy or following the completion of radiation therapy.

Some chemotherapy medications are highly successful in treating oligodendroglioma. The following chemotherapy regimens are most likely:

    • PCV Regimen: The three medications that make up this regimen are vincristine, procarbazine, and lomustine (commonly referred to by its chemical abbreviation, “CCNU,” which stands for the “C” in PCV). The first line of treatment for oligodendroglioma is typically PCV.
    • Temozolomide: Research indicates that temozolomide’s effectiveness is quite similar to that of PCV, and its adverse effects are typically not as severe as those that may arise with the PCV regimen. Sometimes healthcare providers advise taking this medication instead of the PCV treatment plan.
  • Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy for oligodendroglioma is a common treatment. Strong energy beams are used in radiation therapy for killing tumor cells. Protons and other radiation sources are possible sources of the energy. During radiation therapy, you typically recline on a table while a machine rotates around you to deliver targeted radiation to the affected area.

The goal is to kill as much of the tumor as possible without damaging the healthy tissue around it. Following surgery, radiation therapy is occasionally used in conjunction with chemotherapy.

  • Clinical trials: Research on new treatments is done through clinical trials. You can try the newest treatments available to you because of this research. One may not be aware of the adverse effect risk. If you’re interested in taking part in a clinical study, ask a member of your healthcare team.
  • Supportive care: Supportive care is centered on relieving pain and other symptoms associated with a serious medical condition. Palliative care specialists collaborate with other healthcare providers, your family, and yourself to offer additional assistance. Treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy can be combined with palliative care.