

A comprehensive evaluation is necessary to properly identify amnesia and rule out other potential causes of memory loss. This thorough assessment helps to eliminate alternative explanations such as brain tumors, different forms of dementia, depression, or Alzheimer’s disease. By conducting a careful evaluation, healthcare professionals can accurately diagnose amnesia and determine its specific underlying factors.

Medical history

A medical history is taken before the evaluation. A family member, friend, or other caregiver typically delivers information because the person with memory loss may not be able to do so fully.

Your doctor may ask you a number of questions to better understand the memory loss. Among the topics that might be covered are:

  • The kind of memory loss and how recent or chronic it is.
  • The onset and progression of the memory issues.
  • A history of neurological disease in the family, in particular.
  • Using prohibited drugs and alcohol
  • Factors like a brain injury, stroke, or surgery that caused memory issues.
  • Additional symptoms including disorientation, linguistic issues, personality changes, or the inability to take care of oneself.
  • A history of cancer, depression, migraines, or seizures.

Physical exam

A neurological examination to test reflexes, sensory function, and balance may be part of the physical examination.

Cognitive tests

The exam frequently includes questions that assess one’s ability to think, judge, and use recent and long-term memory. You’ll be questioned on your knowledge of both personal details and historical events, as well as generic stuff like the name of the current president. A set of words can be given to you to repeat.

The memory assessment can help establish the degree of memory loss and offer information about the type of assistance you might want.

Diagnostic tests

Your medical professional might also suggest:

  • Imaging studies, such as MRIs and CT scans, to look for shrinkage or other changes in the brain.
  • Blood testing to look for diseases, nutrient deficiencies, and other problems.
  • An electroencephalogram (EEG) to determine whether seizure activity is present.


The primary focus of amnesia treatment lies in implementing strategies to compensate for the memory impairment. Additionally, it is crucial to address and treat any underlying conditions or illnesses that contribute to the forgetfulness. By targeting the root causes of memory issues, healthcare providers can enhance the overall management and outcomes for individuals with amnesia.

Occupational therapy

To gain new knowledge and restore what was lost, you might collaborate with an occupational therapist. Alternately, you may base how you process new information on your still-valid memories.

Memory exercises may also cover techniques for categorizing data to make it simpler to remember and comprehend when speaking to others.

Technological assistance

The usage of smart technology, such as a smartphone or portable tablet, is beneficial to many people with amnesia. Even those with severe amnesia can utilize electronic organizers to assist with daily tasks with sufficient instruction and experience. For instance, smartphones can be set up to remind users to take their medications or remember key dates.

Notebooks, wall calendars, pill trackers, and images of people and locations are examples of low-tech memory aids.

Medications or supplements

Most types of amnesia cannot currently be treated with medications.

The amnesia may be caused by Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, however treatment may be able to stop additional harm. But the majority of people won’t fully regain their lost memories. Treatment entails replenishing the body with thiamin, ensuring sufficient nourishment, and abstaining from alcohol.

Cholinesterase inhibitor therapy can relieve symptoms if Alzheimer’s disease is the root cause of the amnesia.

One day, research could result in brand-new memory disorders remedies. But it’s unlikely that a single medication will be able to treat memory issues due to the intricacy of the associated brain systems.