Frozen shoulder, also known as Adhesive capsulitis occurs when a gap between the two moving surfaces of the shoulder is restricted. It is caused when the capsule and the synovial layer in the shoulder is thicker and becomes a fascia around the shoulder, thus the patient cannot raise their hand or move their shoulder freely. Frozen shoulder usually occurs in women aged over 40 years old, people who underwent the shoulder surgery or underuse the shoulder; and people who like to wear a backpack. Moreover, the patients who have Thyroid disease, Diabetes, Parkinson’s, Heart and Coronary diseases are at more risk of having frozen shoulder than other people because these mentioned diseases usually cause arthritis.
Frozen shoulder can be typically divided into 3 stages, which are the following:
- Freezing Stage: The shoulder becomes stiffer and slowly loses its range of motion, and it is also characterized by a painful sensation, especially in the middle of the night or while sleeping. Normally, it takes around 2 – 9 months to happen. This stage of frozen shoulder can be treated by receiving anti-inflammation and pain killer medicines, corticosteroid injection, and physiotherapy.
- Frozen Stage: The shoulder pain is less but the range of motion is surprisingly decreased and affects daily life. Normally, it takes around 4 – 12 months to happen. The doctor may consider providing Arthroscopic surgery to get rid of the fascia, and then physiotherapy after the surgery for around 2 months.
- Thawing Stage: The range of the shoulder motion slowly improves in this stage but the patients still have pain sensation and stiffness which can affect their daily lives. It normally takes around 2 – 3 years to happen.
For more information, please contact
Orthopedics Center, 2nd Floor, King of Bones Building, Vejthani Hospital
Call +66 (0) 2734-0000 ext. 2298,2299
+66(0)85-223-8888 (English Hotline)
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