Health Articles

Herniated Disc, the common cause of back pain


Sitting in front of the computer for over 2 hours continuously might cause back pain and numbness in the legs. Many people choose to endure to the pain until it turns out to be the herniated disc.

Dr. Pattara Kosanunt, a spine surgeon of Vejthani Hospital said that the main factors that can cause herniated disc are lifting heavy things, driving a car for hours, blending sideways and twisting habitually, as well as an accident that affects the spine, these factors increase the risk of the Annulus Fibrosus degeneration and cause herniated disc eventually.

“The herniated disc patient will typically feel the pain in the back and leg which usually occur in people who love outdoor activities and heavy exercise, or people who stay in the same posture for hours, especially officers that need to sit in front of the computer for many hours. The herniated disc usually occurs on people aged over 40 years old, and people who have overweight since the spine has to support the body weight, it will cause disk degenerative and lead to herniated disc eventually”, said Dr.Pattara.

Nowadays, a herniated disc can be treated by the spine surgery with precise and safe technology which is microscope or endoscope that allows minimally invasive surgery, it could reduce the rate of blood loss and muscle pain, and provide faster recovery compared to the traditional surgical treatment. Besides the technology mentioned above, there is another technology called IntraoperativeNeuromonitoring which shows real-time nerve monitoring, thus it could reduce the risk of nerve damage during the surgery.

For more information, contact

Spine Center, Vejthani Hospital
Call 02-7340000 or Ext. 5500
English Hotline: (+66)8-522 38888

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