Patient Stories

Cervical Spinal Fusion Timing is the Key to Success


Accident always comes unexpectedly! Yet, you better know how to handle and cope with it if this unfortunate event happens, especially when the body has been injured. Proper diagnosis and treatment is very important to prevent any possible further complications and unavoidable losses.

Mr. Boontueng Koomtrakool, 58 years old office worker shared his very own experience about his motorcycle accident that has caused him to have a cervical spine fracture and herniated cervical disc. Luckily, his decision of having the proper treatment was made just in time and was able to have a correct cervical support and had a successful spinal fusion operation.

Unexpected Accident

Khun Boontueng told us that “It happened while I was riding my motorcycle on my way back home after work. The route I took was under construction, packed with cars and the road was so muddy that it was difficult for me to control my balance and my head accidentally hit the car next to me with a strong impact and then I lost my consciousness for a period of time.”

“When I finally woke up, I felt weakness in my arms and legs. A few minutes later, the emergency response officers arrived and took me to the nearest hospital. I was assessed and then they kept me waiting for further diagnosis. I was not feeling well and worried, so I started to seek for another hospital to receive faster and proper treatment.”

Journey to Vejthani Hospital

“My daughter has posted a message through many Social Media to get the best suggestion of a medical service provider. A group of friends suggested us to come here at Vejthani Hospital because this hospital has been recognized in providing diagnosis and treatment on time.

Vertebral Fracture Compression

“Dr. Chaiwat Piyaskulkaew informed me that my cervical spine at C5-C6-C7 was broken that pinched the nerve resulting to numbness and weakness of my hand. The purpose of the treatment was to remove the broken cervical spine out to prevent further damage and correct the herniated disk.”

“I arrived at Vejthani Hospital at 9.00 p.m. and rapidly received the surgery early in the morning.”

Treatment Satisfaction

“I would describe the pain after surgery as ‘zero’ as I have no idea about where the doctor had done the surgery because I felt no pain at all. There was a slight numbness on my hand because of the damage from the accident to my nerves which required physical therapy and low-intensity exercise”

“I am fully satisfied with the outcome of the treatment and operation. The doctors, nurses and medical officers took really good care of me which is only one out of the many reasons why I am impressed with Vejthani Hospital.”

For more information, contact

Spine Center, Vejthani Hospital
Call 02-7340000 or Ext. 5500
English Hotline: (+66)8-522 38888

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